Installation and Configuration



  • create directory ebms-admin
  • copy ebms-admin-2.19.3.jar to ebms-admin


The EbMS interface is configured through properties. The Web and SOAP interfaces are configured through command line options.

See here for a functional overview of the EbMS adapter.


  • start ebms-admin on default port 8080 with the SOAP interface enabled and using JDBC driver <jdbc-driver>.jar
java -cp <jdbc-driver>.jar:ebms-admin-2.19.3.jar nl.clockwork.ebms.admin.StartEmbedded -soap

When you start ebms-admin you can see the following output in your console

Using config directory: 
Web Server configured on http://localhost:8080/
SOAP Service configured on http://localhost:8080/service
EbMS Service configured on https://localhost:8888/ebms
Starting Server...
Server started.

It shows how the Web interface, SOAP interface en EbMS Server endpoints are configured. You can find the different SOAP interface endpoints when you open your browser at http://localhost:8080/service.

See here for all command line options. See here for more examples.

You can install ebms-admin as a Java service on Windows or Linux using a Java Service Wrapper.