
You can use ebms-core by integrating it into your own Java application, or you can use it as a standalone SOAP Service through ebms-admin.

EbMS Overview

Basic Functionality

ebms-core offers the following interfaces

  • EbMS Interface to connect to other EbMS adapters
  • EbMS/SOAP API to connect to applications to manage the EbMS adapter

ebms-core is configured through properties. Data is stored in the database.

You can configure EbMS Message Storage and EbMS Attachments overflow to disk.



You can track sent and received messages if you configure the EventListener.


To support scaling with serverId and advanced scaling the different components have to use the same database. Also the internal cache has to be synchronized between the components. Furthermore you have to configure the DeliveryManager. When using advanced scaling you also have to configure the DeliveryTaskHandler.

Data Model

EbMS Data Model