The EbMS API consists of the following services

These services are implemented as a SOAP interface and since EbMS 2.18.3 also as a REST interface.


The CPAService contains functionality to manage CPAs.


Validates CPA cpa.

insertCPA(cpa, overwrite)

Stores CPA cpa. If overwrite is true and the CPA exists, it will be overwritten.
Returns the cpaId of the CPA.


Removes CPA identified by cpaId.


Returns a list of all cpaIds.


Returns the CPA identified by cpaId.


The UrlMappingService contains functionality to override CPA's urls.


Stores URL mapping urlMapping.


Removes URL mapping identified by source URL source.


Returns a list of all URL mappings.


The CertificateMappingService contains functionality to override CPA's certificates.


Stores Certificate mapping certificateMapping.


Removes Certificate mapping identified by source Certificate source.


Returns a list of all Certificate mappings.


The EbMSMessageService contains functionality for sending and receiving EbMS messages. There is also an MTOM EbMSMessageService available, which is more efficient.

ping(cpaId, fromPartyId, toPartyId)

Performs an EbMS ping action for CPA cpaId, from party fromPartyId to party toPartyId


Sends message message as an EbMS message.
Returns the messageId of the generated EbMS message.


Resends message identified by messageId as an EbMS message.
Returns the messageId of the new EbMS message.

getUnprocessedMessageIds(messageFilter, maxNr)

Returns all messageIds of messages with status RECEIVED that satisfy filter messageFilter. If maxNr is given, then maxNr messageIds are returned.

getMessage(messageId, process)

Returns the message identified by messageId. If process is true, the message is given the status PROCESSED, which means that it is no longer returned in the list of getUnprocessedMessageIds.


Sets the status of the message identified by messageId to PROCESSED, so that it is no longer returned in the list of getUnprocessedMessageIds.


Returns the message status of the message identified by messageId.

getUnprocessedMessageEvents(messageFilter, eventTypes, maxNr)

Returns the events that satisfy filter messageFilter and event types eventTypes. If maxNr is given, then maxNr events are returned. The possible event types are

  • RECEIVED - when a message is received
  • DELIVERED - when a message has been sent successfully
  • FAILED - when a message returns an error while sending
  • EXPIRED - when a message could not be sent within the number of attempts and time defined in the CPA

Events can only be retrieved with this method when EventListener property eventListener.type is set to DAO.


Sets processed to true for the event of the message identified by messageId, so that it is no longer returned in the list of getUnprocessedMessageEvents (and getUnprocessedMessageIds in case of a RECEIVED event).